Network Infrastructure

DDoS Attack Threat Landscape — Tracking DDoS Attack Trends in Q2'22
DDoS attacks are on the rise. Ransom attacks reached an all-time high in June 2022, the Ukraine-Russia...

Office of the CTO Report: Continuous API Sprawl
APIs are a contract between the service provider and service consumer. When any application uses an API,...

Common Browser Isolation challenges, and how to overcome them
A growing number of security teams are implementing a Zero Trust security strategy, in which no application,...

How to Get and Maintain Control of Your Microservices
Learn how a hybrid application delivery system powered by Citrix ADC can help you gain control of your...

A Blueprint for Containers and Orchestration Best Practices
Containers enable agile deployment capabilities, requiring less coordination and oversight than on-premise...

Core connectivity: The key enabler of digital transformation
The phrase 'digital transformation' is a hot topic across industry right now. Based on the consultancy...

Common Browser Isolation Challenges and How to Overcome Them
Every security team wants to keep their employees and data safe from the latest threats. To accomplish...

Struggling To Securely Keep Up With Digital Acceleration
In today's digital economy, businesses must move fast, rapidly adapting to changes. Increasingly, this...
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