Internet of Things (IoT)

5G in the Transport sector
The Transport sector is pioneering the adoption of 5G connectivity, and yet it's doing so with quiet...

BlackBerry Cyber Suite
The challenge of securing and protecting data and endpoints is not a new requirement, but today it is...

Unified Fast File and Object (UFFO) Storage
In this book, you get an idea of the vast potential for unstructured data — and also the infrastructure...

Big Data for Finance
Across industries, data continues to grow as an extremely valuable resource. This is especially true...

Bloor Research Data Governance Market Update
Streaming analytics is a space that is largely built on the back of stream processing. In turn, stream...

Back to the Basics: Cyber Hygiene Starts with Asset Management
The challenge: managing millions of dynamic, distributed and diverse assets while maintaining high standards...

Defend Yourself Against Ransomware and Other Types of Malware
The May 7, 2021, ransomware attack on U.S. fuel network Colonial Pipeline left millions afraid they couldn't...

DDoS Threat Landscape Report: DDoS Trends from Q3 2022
DDoS attacks are growing larger, stronger, and more sophisticated. In Q3'22, we observed a resurgence...
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